Saturday, June 30, 2012

I just killed myself.

Dear Diary,

Sorry I wasn't able to write yesterday since I was only home for about an hour. 

You see, I figuratively killed myself...with happiness! hahaha.

I traveled 5 hours to a place with a name starting with letter B for a wedding. The wedding happened yesterday morning (it's not mine, by the way) and it ended at about 1pm. After that, I traveled back to my hometown (that's another 5 hours) and arrived at 6pm. When I got home, I just took a quick shower and prepared myself to go out to celebrate SOCIAL MEDIA DAY with Social Media users, of course. The celebration ended at around 11pm but my "escapade" did not end there 'coz I promised my other set of friends that I'll be joining them in partying at a bar called T.  So, I went there, partied, drunk, and go gaga over the DJ (which was handsome, by the way, but his music  sucks). To make the story short, I got home earlier at 4am. I just jumped into my bed, literally. No shower, no changing of clothes. I just wanted to sleep. 

Amazingly, here I am, still up and alive! I have so many moments like this when I ask myself how I am able to survive this kind of lifestyle. And guess what, I still have to go out in about an hour to be with friends. Killing myself the second time around, eh? lol

Cheers to my escapades!!!!!!

-The Emotional Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional" blog-

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Dear Diary,

I'm supposed to log-out already when suddenly, I found this video on a video-sharing site (call it the Y) and can't help but laugh and share this to you.

You see, Kim and Enchong performed a dance number in ASAP sometime last March (I know this is kinda obsolete but since this is my blog and I just found out about it, I'm still going to post it. Me being boss!) and it was super-duper epic FAIL!!!! Fail like what happened to me 2 nights ago. 

This is what's so bad with Philippine showbiz. Singers are forced to become dancers, dancers are forced to become singers, and those without talent are forced to do both! Funny, right? Right! 

So, here's the link of the video from a video-sharing site: 

Laugh all you can!

-The Emotional Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional" blog -
 photo from


Women are like police...

Dear Diary,

I think women's insecurity and overacting is not the issue when it comes to men who were found guilty to have cheated. And it's also true for men. At the first place, some women would not become insecure and overacting if their man did not broke her trust and vice versa. And I also believe the quote below is applicable to all that even in a trial court, you may present all the evidences you have but the most reliable of all will always come from the "suspect itself". Confession, that is.

And why did I post it here? Let's just say this is the reason why I became so emotional two nights ago and the reason for the birth of this blog. The post and the one who posted this is not my problem but the person who posted comments on the post. Get me? Nah.

I'm not gonna explain further since I don't wanna talk about it anymore. For now, ciao! 

-The Emotional Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional" blog-

The Diary of an Emotional Blogger

Dear Diary, 

I really don't know how to start this "The Diary of an Emotional" blog of mine. One thing's for sure, I wanna write and publish  a book someday but I don't know how it's going to happen. First thing's first, when writing a book, it's very hard to decide what topic should be discussed. Since I'm a multi-talented, jack-of-all-trades kind of person (insert SARCASM here), I kinda don't know what part of my body (personality, for chrissake) would I be interested to talk about.

I really don't know how to start this "The Diary of an Emotional" blog of mine. One thing's for sure, I'm actually not feeling well today. Not really the sick type, but more of a depressive type. By the way, it did not start today but last night. And I've shifted moods by then.  Don't ask me the reason because it's a long story. But hhhmmm, perhaps it would be a good topic to be discussed for my first ever to-be-published book. So, I'm gonna discern whether I would write about it or not.

I really don't know how to start this "The Diary of an Emotional" blog of mine. One thing's for sure, I'm gonna vent out everything here. Call me "Emotional", I'll embrace that label wholeheartedly. But ssshh, I'm not gonna talk about work here. I don't wanna be kick-off (kicked-out, you mean) from my current employment. On the other hand, I am also going to talk about happy moments, aww moments, wacky moments, and random moments of my ever emotional life! This is going to be fun (at least, for me!)

So, why "The Diary of an Emotional"? Oh c'mon! Common sense, please!

The Diary of an Emotional Part 2 will be up next.

For now, gotta go and quarrel someone. Ooops!

-The Emotional Blogger of the "The Diary of an Emotional" blog