Dear Diary,
I really don't know how to start this "The Diary of an Emotional" blog of mine. One thing's for sure, I wanna write and publish a book someday but I don't know how it's going to happen. First thing's first, when writing a book, it's very hard to decide what topic should be discussed. Since I'm a multi-talented, jack-of-all-trades kind of person (insert SARCASM here), I kinda don't know what part of my body (personality, for chrissake) would I be interested to talk about.
I really don't know how to start this "The Diary of an Emotional" blog of mine. One thing's for sure, I'm actually not feeling well today. Not really the sick type, but more of a depressive type. By the way, it did not start today but last night. And I've shifted moods by then. Don't ask me the reason because it's a long story. But hhhmmm, perhaps it would be a good topic to be discussed for my first ever to-be-published book. So, I'm gonna discern whether I would write about it or not.
I really don't know how to start this "The Diary of an Emotional" blog of mine. One thing's for sure, I'm gonna vent out everything here. Call me "Emotional", I'll embrace that label wholeheartedly. But ssshh, I'm not gonna talk about work here. I don't wanna be kick-off (kicked-out, you mean) from my current employment. On the other hand, I am also going to talk about happy moments, aww moments, wacky moments, and random moments of my ever emotional life! This is going to be fun (at least, for me!)
So, why "The Diary of an Emotional"? Oh c'mon! Common sense, please!
The Diary of an Emotional Part 2 will be up next.
For now, gotta go and quarrel someone. Ooops!
-The Emotional Blogger of the "The Diary of an Emotional" blog