Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm nicer than nice and I'm nice to nice people.

Dear Diary,

Are you nice?

I am.

Whether you believe it or not, I am. N. I. C. E.


Not the nicey-nosey-overly nice though because I still get some I-don't-like first impressions from people. (snob, rude, strict... please! Don't judge the book by its bookmark.)

But I'm the type who would be nice to you once you're nice to me. And once you realize that I'm not S-R-S and that I'm completely the other way around. 

If you would know me better, you'll know I'm nicer than "nice" and I'm nice to nice people.

And lastly,

Alright? So, be nice!

-The Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional" Blog-

Monday, August 6, 2012

Inhale. Exhale. So, help me God.

Dear Diary,

Have you ever encountered that feeling of not being able to breathe well?

That's what I'm feeling right now. It's hard to grasp air and when I do, my back screams in pain.

I'm so sick and tired of this. So sick and tired. Literally. Figuratively.

Inhale. Exhale. So, help me God.

-The Emotional Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional" Blog-

P.S. Ohh cough! Please go away!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Time to hit the sacks. Sucks.

Dear Diary,

It is so 'what-the-hell-has-happened-moment' to know that you have been "slashed off" from the original plan. Isn't it?

That moment when you already expected something because it has already been confirmed, then all of sudden, there's a change of plan... and you're no longer part of it.

Jawbreaking! (if there is such thing) Much more if you have prepared for it, right? It's like WHHHHAAATTT??!!! With matching cover-your-face award! Jeez.

And you simply don't have a choice but back-off, do something else, and pretend you're ok.

Well, I'm not.

Time to hit the sacks. Sucks.

-The Emotional Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional" Blog-

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This is a curious case of a Nosy B*tch!

Dear Diary,

I just really don't get it when people meddle over a relationship they knew nothing about. It's a nuisance. Pathetic. Uncalled for.

Why can't they just stop giving unsolicited advise and hasty generalization? They don't even know the context of the situation! More so, they don't even know the person yet. Please. 

This is a curious case of a Nosy B*tch!

Maybe, they do that because:

1. They got nothing to do with their life but stick their noses to other people's issues.

2. They are born to be bitter. 

3. They are just jealous.

4. They are unhappy and they want others to be like that too. (Geez.)

5. They have issues with themselves and their relationships but they are just too preoccupied with ruining that of others. 

How I wish they could just back-off and try to make themselves happy. "Life is too precious to waste". And certainly, minding other people's business is a waste of time. It doesn't even help at all.

Well, if you're like that, I'm sorry men! Go get a life! 


-The Emotional Blogger of "The Diary of an Emotional Blog-